They asked, "What's the product? What's its name?" The real answer was Humanity: you can't weigh it, you can't market it, you can't label it, and you can't destroy it. You can touch it and it will respond, you can free it and it will fly, you can create it and it will grow, if you kill it -- it's murder. (...) "We are the seeds of the tenacious plant, and it is in our ripeness and our fullness of heart that we are given to tho wind and are scattered," Jim Haynes, 28th October, 1969
Oh! Si ! Freedonia existeix, i els súbdits d'aquest meravellós País ahir van fer acte de presència omplin el Palau de submergits i ascendents, mentre que jo suplantant a Groucho Marx desvetllava alguns secrets, i parodiava a Roland Barthes parlant de ruptures per arribar a la unitat traumàtica de les imatges. Tot un esdeveniment que passarà a la posterioritat gracies als reporters de la Fox News. Sylvania ha perdut la guerra. ¡¡¡ Llarga vida a Freedonia !!! Antoni Padrós, 17 de Gener de 2011.
Fotografías de IVAN BASSOLS.